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Our Expertise

Nehemiah Trinity Rising is a faith-based restorative justice consultancy. We were birthed out of a recognition that Restorative Justice was a critical component in reducing school suspensions and expulsions, and thus an important instrument in ending the School to Prison Pipeline. Our path has taken us from our start as a ministry to our reformation as a not-for-profit, focused on the development and delivery of RJ training and other conflict resolution strategies.
Within our team resides a wide variety of skills in both training development and delivery. In addition, we partner with a select group of RJ practitioners to enhance and supplement solution delivery. Our menu of Peacemaking Workshops are listed below:
Conflict Transformation: Introduction and Skill 
Building (1 Day)

The workshop provides insight and skills for preventing, and if necessary, addressing interpersonal conflict. This workshop is recommended as a pre-requisite to any of the restorative justice two or four day trainings below.  We recommended that an organizations full staff receive this training.  It includes a circle experience and workshop on restorative conversations, and concludes with an introduction to the various restorative justice practices.

Introduction to Restorative Justice     

A two hour interactive overview of conflict transformation concepts and restorative justice benefits, practices, usage in particular settings, such as schools, churches, prisons, communities. This is recommended for the full staff of an organization to build awareness and buy-in. It should be followed up shortly thereafter with one of the Introduction to Peace Circles workshops

Introduction to Peace Circles

Provides a deeper circle experience in which attendees learn circle practices and address group issues.

  • Half Day Work Shop    

  • Full Day Work Shop (Includes Restorative Conversations training)

Introduction to Restorative Conversations

A two to three hour interactive workshop providing communication skills for productively probing causation and discussing conflict/harm/resolution in every day settings. Skills can be woven into classroom, meetings and imparted to participants in interventions.


Restorative Leadership (1 Day)     

This workshop provides insight and skills for leadership models which serve to build and/or restore a sense of community to organizations.

Peace Circle Training 
(4 Days) 

Provides the training necessary to actually become a circle keeper. Recommended particularly for those who have been identified by the organization as appropriate standing circle keepers.

Victim/Offender Conferencing/Family Group Conferencing (4 Days)

This workshop prepares experienced Circle Keepers to hold Victim/Offender conferences. 

Racial Equity Leadership (4 Days)

Provides insights, understanding and skills for interrupting the pattern and practice of racism. It is recommended that this training take place after experience is achieved in keeping circles.

Ministry of Hospitality    

Provides understanding of issues and skills for addressing and preventing discrimination and harassment in your faith based organization.)

© 2022 Nehemiah Trinity Rising, All Rights Reserved.

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